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World of Eternity

Grant Goodmorrow

July 29, 2008 / celesta

Most have probably already given up on me as either lost or dead. I am here to assure the few true believers that I am still amongst the internets. I still need to overhaul the website and probably fix the forums, but that will come in time. I owe my handful of viewers at least a little something though.

Recently, I was at the Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Never one to miss up such a prime opportunity, I coerced my girlfriend, Amber, and Gregg to help me recreate a classic scene from Midnight Madness by going to Room 2704.

Visiting Room 2704

The layout isn't like in the movie, and I forgot to buy yellow shirts for everyone, but overall it was fun to make a spoof of it.

No, I don't ever wonder why people think I'm weird...

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