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The Queen of Heart '99 SE - Title Menu

Introduction | Config | Title Menu | Fighting Screen | Legend | Other | Characters | Credits

As you can see below in Figure 1 the title menu is pretty straightforward.

QoH '99 Title Menu  Figure 1

NORMAL MODE- This is the normal "story" mode.

VS MODE - Here you can fight with up to four players!

PRACTICE - This doesn't actually show up as an option, but it's interesting to note its existence...

OPTION - Below Figure 2, I have included a translation of the options that you can scroll through.

Options Menu Figure 2

  1. Difficulty = EASY | NORMAL | HARD | NIGHTMARE | HELL

  2. Number of matches to win = 1 | 2 | 3

  3. BG (Background Animation) = None | 2 Frame

  4. Ground (Parallax) = No Movement | Side to Side | Up & Down, Side to Side

  5. Music = WAV | Midi | None (Do not use the software VSC-88 if using MIDI)

  6. Frame Rate = Full | Skip (for slow computers)

  7. Hit Flash = ON | OFF

  8. Memorial Album - This option leads to

    Memorial Album Options Figure 3

    • Look at the Album gives you the following

      Individual Stats Figure 4

    • MAX HIT Summary is very straightforward

    • Clear All Album Stats is pretty simple too

      Clear Records Figure 5

  9. Return to the Title Screen

Introduction | Config | Title Menu | Fighting Screen | Legend | Other | Characters | Credits

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